How to Add Featured Section on Linkedin?

optimizing linkedin profile layout

Imagine you’ve just completed a project that you’re particularly proud of, and you’re looking to showcase it on your LinkedIn profile. The Featured Section is tailor-made for this purpose. By clicking on ‘add profile section’ and navigating to the recommended tab, you can effortlessly highlight your achievements, whether they’re posts, articles, or even external links.

However, there’s a strategy to optimizing this space that goes beyond merely uploading content. To effectively capture the attention of your network and potential employers, you’ll need to understand the nuances of selecting and organizing your featured content. Stick around to uncover these insights, and learn how to transform your LinkedIn profile into a compelling portfolio that stands out.

Key Takeaways

  • Navigate to your LinkedIn profile and select ‘Add profile section’ to include the Featured section.
  • Utilize the Featured section to display posts, articles, external links, and media, showcasing your best work.
  • Customize your featured content by adding visuals, editing titles, and rearranging the order of displayed items.
  • Highlight LinkedIn articles and external links in the Featured section to enhance your credibility and visibility.

Understanding the Featured Section

navigating the featured content

The Featured section on LinkedIn lets you prominently display your best work, from posts to portfolios, for everyone to see. This unique area on your profile is where you can showcase posts, articles, images, documents, and links that highlight your professional accomplishments and interests. Unlike the static nature of other sections, the Featured section allows you to dynamically curate content that you believe showcases your skills and achievements best.

Crucially, content from your About section is automatically eligible for the Featured section, ensuring a seamless transition of your most compelling narrative elements. You’re not limited in how much you can display; you can add an unlimited number of samples to truly reflect the breadth of your work. However, remember that visibility settings play a crucial role. These settings determine who can see the content you’ve decided to feature, allowing you to tailor your showcase to the audience you wish to engage.

It’s important to note that the Featured section is exclusive to individuals. Companies can’t use this feature, emphasizing LinkedIn’s focus on personal professional branding. By effectively utilizing the Featured section, you elevate your profile, ensuring that visitors immediately see the work you’re most proud of.

Adding Your First Item

start building your collection

Now that you’re familiar with the benefits of the Featured section on LinkedIn, let’s explore how you can add your very first item to highlight your professional achievements. How to Add Featured Section on Linkedin? Begin by navigating to your LinkedIn profile page and click on ‘Add profile section’. Among the options presented, select the ‘Featured’ section to start showcasing your work.

You’ve got a variety of choices for what to add as your first featured item. Whether it’s posts, articles, courses, links, or photos, think about what best represents your professional journey and goals. This is your chance to customize what profile visitors first see—making it crucial to tailor the content to what you want to showcase.

Moreover, the Featured section isn’t just about what you add; it’s also about how it looks. LinkedIn allows you to customize thumbnails for links, elevating the visual appeal of your profile. This not only catches the eye of profile visitors but also gives them a glimpse into your professional persona.

In short, take advantage of the Featured section to add, customize, and visually enhance your LinkedIn profile, making it more engaging for profile visitors.

Highlighting LinkedIn Articles

linkedin article promotion strategy

Incorporating LinkedIn articles into your Featured section is a strategic move to highlight your expertise and accomplishments. This not only showcases your knowledge but also elevates your personal brand within the professional community. By selecting your most insightful LinkedIn posts to feature, you’re essentially curating content that can capture the attention of potential employers or clients scrolling through your profile.

When you add LinkedIn articles to your Featured section, you’re doing more than just showcasing your writing skills. You’re telling a compelling story about your professional journey and the insights you’ve gained along the way. This narrative becomes a powerful tool in building your personal brand, as it provides a deeper understanding of who you’re as a professional.

Showcasing External Links

highlighting external website links

While highlighting LinkedIn articles boosts your profile, don’t overlook the impact of showcasing external links to further demonstrate your professional achievements and projects. The Featured section on LinkedIn is a prime real estate for this purpose, where you can use external links to direct visitors to additional information about your work or achievements, enhancing both the visibility and credibility of your profile.

Here’s how you can effectively add external links to your profile section:

  1. Click the blue plus icon in the Featured section. This action opens up the option to add a link to your profile.
  2. Enter the URL of the website, portfolio, project, or article you wish to showcase. This step is straightforward; simply paste the link into the designated field.
  3. Customize the thumbnail image for the external link to make it visually appealing. A compelling image can catch the eye of profile visitors, encouraging them to click and learn more.

Uploading Documents and Media

managing digital files efficiently

You can also enhance your LinkedIn profile by uploading documents and media to the Featured section, showcasing your diverse professional accomplishments. This unique section allows you to upload a variety of content types, including PDFs, videos, images, articles, and links, making your profile a comprehensive portfolio of your work.

To add media, simply click the blue plus icon in the Featured section and select the type of media you want to upload. This process is straightforward and user-friendly, ensuring you can easily share your professional highlights with the world.

Once you’ve selected your media, you have the option to edit the title and description, allowing for further customization. This feature ensures that you can provide context to your uploads, making them more meaningful to profile visitors.

Additionally, the ability to rearrange the order of your featured content by dragging and dropping items offers further customization. This lets you prioritize what you want visitors to see first, ensuring your most impressive accomplishments are front and center.

Organizing Your Featured Content

optimizing featured content organization

Organizing your featured content on LinkedIn allows you to strategically display your professional accomplishments, tailoring your profile to highlight your most impressive work first. Using the Featured section effectively is key to showcasing your diversity and skill set in a clear and engaging manner.

Here are three steps to customize and prioritize your feature content:

  1. Prioritize Your Content: Decide on the order in which you want your work to appear. Put the most impactful projects, articles, or achievements at the forefront. This ensures viewers see your best work immediately.
  2. Diversify Your Display: Include a variety of content types—posts, articles, courses, links, photos—to showcase the breadth of your work. This not only engages viewers but also provides a comprehensive view of your professional capabilities.
  3. Update Regularly: Keep your profile fresh by periodically reviewing and updating your Featured section. Adding new accomplishments and removing outdated content will keep your profile relevant and interesting to viewers.